Life Stages

We understand there are different stages of life that can range from marriage, the birth of a child, planning for college, sometimes divorce, sometimes re-marriage, parenting a parent, preparing to retire, staying retired and death of a loved one.

If you are a business owner, you have many of the same life stages to work through, plus you layer in starting a business, hiring employees, partner buy-ins or buy-outs, selling or transitioning a business through a planned exit strategy.

You may find yourself past these events, and need to circle back with some strategies… or you may not realize now how close these real events are to being your tomorrow.

The second half of life seems to happen more quickly. We need to be working on these areas before they are upon us.

Small pivots. Big changes. We can help.



Merging two financial lives is not always easy, even if you have already begun living together. You must learn how to budget, save, meet obligations, plan for the future, and merge with a cohesive, comprehensive short and long term strategy.

Purchasing a Home

You’ve found your dream home. Congratulations. Now comes the fun part. Have you saved enough? Have you considered all there is to consider?


Preparing to protect, secure and leave a legacy is important to you, and it is important to us. We will help create a strategy of how to save, how much to save and what to save it in for the best possible optimum results given all of your options and goals

Planning for College

The little ones grow up fast. There are many options when it comes to funding their college years. What you save it in matters. You want the option to use the money, even if they don’t choose college. We will explore all of the options.


No one likes the “d” word, and we almost don’t like to bring it up. But it is a fact of live for many adults, and one that we find ourselves helping with often. We have the experience and strategic relationships to help you work through the most trying of times and decisions.


You rely on your paycheck. You insure your car, your home, your boat… but what about the paycheck that pays for those? We have learned to expect the unexpected and can help you determine if and how to add income protection to your portfolio.

Purchasing a Second Home

Maybe you dream of a lake house or a golf retreat. Or maybe you have worked and saved and now you are ready for purchase. Whichever the case, we can help you consider this in relation to your financial goals.


Finding love a second time is a blessing. Merging two adult households and set of complex finances, not so much. We can talk you through all there is to consider, and how to move toward a cohesive strategy that helps secure and protect your assets and your future.

Parenting a Parent

Life comes at us fast. And even faster when you have to care for a parent. Preparing for this time of your life is tough. Even more tough when you are in it and need a strategy now. We have helped many of our clients through this difficult time.

Preparing to Retire

Whether the date is drawing near, or is 30 years away, the question usually remains; Have you save, or are you saving, enough? Then, how will you turn your savings into income, and how do you make sure it is enough to allow you to live the lifestyle you want now and in the future.

Retirement Checklist  Retirement Milestones

Staying Retired

You’ve worked hard and want to know that you are secure in your financial future. You don’t plan to take on a second job in retirement, and we can help you avoid that.

Down Sizing

Empty nest? Empty rooms? No need to empty your pockets too. When the time is right, we can help you work through the financial decisions that may come with your next home purchase.

Caring for Yourself When You Can’t

It’s not fun to think about, and it is less fun to experience when you aren’t prepared. Explore options for how you pay for the care you need. Will you have enough saved?

Death of a Spouse or Loved One

The death of a spouse is more than just an emotional loss. It’s a financial one, too. While the death of another loved one might not be a direct burden, sometimes it comes with unexpected financial considerations. While there are some things you simply cannot prepare for, there are some steps you can take to lessen the financial burden of losing a spouse or love one, and PIVOT can help.


Starting a Business

You have a great idea, product or service and are ready to get started. Now how do you make the right financial decisions to not only help you meet your current financial obligations, but also for the business’ future?

Hiring Employees

With all you have going on, you need to make sure that the plan for your associates is sound, so you can retain them, keep them happy, and keep growing your business. From...might be easy for you to drop in thoughts for me to edit?

Partner Buy-Ins or Buy-Outs

We've been working hard to develop a new website to serve our clients better. This section is still being edited and refined, but check back soon for updates.

Exit Planning

We've been working hard to develop a new website to serve our clients better. This section is still being edited and refined, but check back soon for updates.